“Documents and documentation in public procurement procedures” – book publication by attorney-at-law Wojciech Piórkowski

“Documents and documentation in public procurement procedures” – book publication by attorney-at-law Wojciech Piórkowski

In February 2021, a book authored by attorney-at-law Wojciech Piórkowski entitled: “Documents and documentation in public procurement procedures” will be published.

Under the new Public Procurement Law, regardless of the procedure or the value of the contract, the contracting authority is required to ensure that documentation is available to justify decisions made at all stages of the procedure. The publication contains a detailed discussion of the regulations on preparing and storing documents both for contracts below and above the EU thresholds.

The author comprehensively explains the content of the report and its appendices, the composition and rules of operation of the tender evaluation committee, the terms of reference (ToR) or the interim statement (JEDZ). The book devotes a lot of space to the conditions of participation in the procedure, including issues connected with verifying the ability of a given economic operator to perform the contract and declarations regarding circumstances causing a conflict of interest.

The reader will also find out what kind of documents and how they should be provided by entities applying for the award of a contract and on what terms economic operators can jointly participate in public tenders (as part of a consortium).

The publisher of the book is PRESSCOM Sp. z o.o. from Wrocław, which since 2003 has been conducting a number of activities in the field of education of employees of Polish public institutions and enterprises.

The publication can be purchased at PRESSCOM’s webstore: https://www.sklep.presscom.pl/zamowienia-publiczne/1099,dokumenty-i-dokumentowanie-w-postepowaniu-o-udzielenie-zamowienia-publicznego.html

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