We train public prosecutors

We train public prosecutors

On 1 October 2020, in the cosy atmosphere of the headquarters of the Wielkopolski National Park, attorney-at-law Alicja Kociemba and attorney-at-law Aneta Fornalik conducted a training course in petty offences law for the Park Service Staff and Park Rangers.

One reason for conducting the training course was the fact that the Director of the National Park has the right to conduct proceedings in cases involving nature protection misdemeanours and to participate in proceedings before common courts as a public prosecutor, and to appeal against the decisions and rulings of those courts in cases of petty offences against nature conservation. The director of a national park may authorise Park Rangers to perform these activities, who are also authorised to issue fines.

Practical training on conducting misdemeanour proceedings in the area of nature conservation is still ahead of us.

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