Partner of the Firm, attorney-at-law Wojciech Piórkowski will be a speaker at the upcoming conferences of the Must Read Media Publishing House

Partner of the Firm, attorney-at-law Wojciech Piórkowski will be a speaker at the upcoming conferences of the Must Read Media Publishing House

We are pleased to announce that Wojciech Piórkowski, partner in the Firm, will be a speaker at the upcoming conferences organised by the Must Read Media Publishing House. The conferences will be held in the form of live online broadcasts.

Below are the links to the conferences along with the dates:

2.03.2022 – “Congress on Public Procurement Law in IT – Practice of IT procurement”

16-18.03.2022 – “6th Congress of Public Procurement Contractors – Public procurement law from the private sector’s perspective”

13-15.04.2022 – “6th Polish Congress of Employers – Public procurement law from the public sector’s perspective”

11.05.2022 – “5th Congress on Public Procurement in Medicine”

24.05.2022 – “Public Procurement in Projects Co-financed by the European Union”

3.06.2022 – “Public Procurement Contracts up to PLN 130,000 and below the EU thresholds”

We encourage you to register for the conference!

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