Sowisło Topolewski Running Team in great shape

Sowisło Topolewski Running Team in great shape

On 12 May 2024,  the ‘Sowisło Topolewski Running Team’, once again competed in a long-distance relay race organised by the PragmatIQ Foundation at the Malta Lake.

During this year’s edition, we managed to take 7th place in the category of the Wielkopolska Lawyers’ Ekiden Championship.

The run took place on the grounds around the Malta Lake regatta course in Poznań. The distance of the run was divided into following 6 legs: 9795 m + 10800 m + 5400 m + 5400 m + 5400 m + 5400 m. The full distance of the EKIDEN PragmatIQ Marathon Relay was equal to that of a marathon, i.e. 42km and 195m.

Every year, as part of the EKIDEN Marathon Relay organised by the Foundation, corporate teams from the legal sector, among others, take part. The main objective of the event is to promote team running and cover the marathon distance together. Participation in the competition is not only about prestige, running the distance together and competing in a friendly way, but also an opportunity to support the charity by participating in a raffle.

Congratulations to the entire cross-country team:

  • Jan Dudzik,
  • Jakub Kosmaczewski,
  • Arkadiusz Bocian,
  • Aleksandra Nowak,
  • Katarzyna Wrembel,
  • Bartosz Kozaczuk.

And many thanks to all the fans who supported our athletes that day!

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