Bernadeta Olebińska

Bernadeta Olebińska
Bernadeta Olebińska
Chief Financial Officer

She manages a 5-person accounting department, supervises keeping accounting records, correctness of tax settlements, preparation of financial statements, recording and performance of contracts with contractors and preparing reports for the needs of banks and external institutions. She supports managing partners and managers in making decisions by providing them with information and reports, preparing operational plans, controlling business operations and related costs. She is responsible for the correctness of the internal reporting system and other management accounting activities.

She is an experienced accountant with many years of work in the field of accounting and human resources. She gained practical professional experience in one of the largest clothing companies in Poland, conducting its production and trade activity in Poland, the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Russia.

Continuously enhances her knowledge of accounting by taking part in industry training courses. Member of the Accountants Association in Poland.

She is interested in animal behaviourism, cooking, films and books, mainly crime fiction.

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