“The municipality is not always entitled to the right of pre-emption of real estate” – an article by Aneta Fornalik, barrister, in “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna” daily

“The municipality is not always entitled to the right of pre-emption of real estate” – an article by Aneta Fornalik, barrister, in “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna” daily

In its supplement “Samorząd i Administracja” [“Local Government and Administration”], the “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna” daily (issue No. 184/2021) published on 22 September 2021 an article entitled: “The municipality is not always entitled to the right of pre-emption of real estate” by Aneta Fornalik, barrister.

The article deals with selected legal grounds for the emergence of the right of pre-emption in favour of municipalities and discusses situations in which the right of pre-emption does not arise.

The publication is based on the extensive professional experience of the author of the article, gained while providing legal advice to local government units.

Have a pleasant read!

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