In the daily newspaper “Rzeczpospolita” we answer readers’ questions about coronavirus (14.04.2020)

In the daily newspaper “Rzeczpospolita” we answer readers’ questions about coronavirus (14.04.2020)

On 14 April 2020, a reader asked: 

While working in a hospital, I had contact with people suffering from COVID-19 and was isolated at home. What benefits am I entitled to ?

The answer was provided by attorney-at-law Anna Piotrowska-Musioł from the Department of Medical Law and Medical Entities Service:

“Insured persons, practicing medical professions (doctors, nurses, paramedics and others) who worked in a medical facility and had contact with people suffering from COVID-19 and were quarantined for this reason, are entitled to a sickness benefit of 100% of its base. If quarantine was imposed for another reason (e.g. a medical professional has returned from abroad), they will be entitled to the sickness benefit at the normal rate. Sickness benefit at an increased amount is also payable if the medical professional has been quarantined or has contracted COVID-19 in the course of their duties in a medical establishment.”

Also on 14 April 2020, a reader asked: 

I’ve been quarantined and I’m receiving a sickness benefit. Can I work remotely ?” 

The answer was provided by attorney-at-law Ewelina Jeglikowska – Director of the Department of Medical Law and Medical Entities Services:

“Medical professionals (doctors, nurses, paramedics and others) who have undergone quarantine or isolation at home may perform remote work for the benefit of a medical establishment. This means that remote working may be performed not only for hospitals but also for other entities. It is also allowed to provide health services through ICT or communication systems. Working in this way during quarantine or isolation at home does not lead to the loss of the right to the sickness benefit.”

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