Legal support for a public procurement contract for the Wielkopolska Museum of Independence worth in excess of PLN 220.000,-

Legal support for a public procurement contract for the Wielkopolska Museum of Independence worth in excess of PLN 220.000,-

The Sowisło & Topolewski Law Firm comprehensively prepared and conducted a public procurement procedure under the name: FULFILLING THE FUNCTION OF INVESTOR’S SUPERVISOR OF AN INVESTMENT PROJECT ENTITLED: “RESTORATION AND ADAPTATION OF FORT 7 IN POZNAŃ FOR THE PRESERVATION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE – PART I”, as a result of which on 31 May 2019 the Wielkopolska Museum of Independence concluded a contract with Agencja Inwestycyjna Terra Sp. z o.o. i Wspólnicy Sp. k., ul. Botaniczna 24/6, 60-586 Poznań. 

The contract is co-financed from the European funds as part of a project entitled “Wielkopolska Regional Operational Programme for 2014-2020, Priority Axis 4 “Environment” Measure 4.4 “Preservation, protection, promotion and development of the natural and cultural heritage of the region”, Sub-measure 4.4.1. Investment in the cultural heritage of the region”. The own contribution towards the Project is provided by the Organiser of the Contracting Authority, the City of Poznań. The gross value of the contract is PLN 220.170,-

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