Łukasz Miatkowski

Łukasz Miatkowski
Łukasz Miatkowski

Experienced practitioner in the field of public procurement law. He prepared and carried out over a thousand proceedings for the award of a public contract. He provides legal assistance to awarding entities and contractors at every stage of the proceedings, starting from the preparation stage through carrying out tender procedures, and ending with the implementation of concluded agreements.

He has practical, extensive experience in the preparation and implementation of contracts for construction works, including contracts based on FIDIC designs, including those for PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A. He represents both awarding entities and contractors before the National Appeals Chamber. A valued speaker at conferences devoted to the issues of public procurement organized by industry periodicals. His interests include ancient history, literature and music.

Other professional activity:
He delivers frequent training sessions for the firm’s clients in the field of public procurement law.


  • Law studies (University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznan, Faculty of Law and Administration, 2000)
  • Attorney-at-law (OIRP Poznań, 2024)
  • Postgraduate Public Procurement Study (Warsaw School of Economics, 2013)

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