We comment on administrative court decisions for the “Legalis” Legal Information Service

We comment on administrative court decisions for the “Legalis” Legal Information Service

In 2022, we continue our cooperation with the C.H. Beck Publishing House – “Legalis” Legal Information Service. As part of this collaboration, our lawyers comment on judgments of administrative courts that are important for practice.

The texts in the Service module: IUS.FOCUS – ADMINISTRATIVE LAW are exclusively assigned to our Law Firm for editing, which we treat as a token of appreciation of our Law Firm’s extensive experience in the field of administrative law and procedure. The possibility of commenting on current court rulings within IUS.FOCUS is by definition addressed to the largest law firms in the country.

Some of the texts drafted in this way will be distributed to interested recipients in the form of newsletters sent out by the Publishing House.

In the latest newsletter of 10 March 2022, the commentary by attorney at law Jacek Krystek “Documents from the Implementation Act are not made available as public information” was published.

Moreover, the following texts have been published in the Service:

1. “10 years to eliminate a decision issued in gross violation of the law” – barrister Krzysztof Topolewski

2. “A party to the administrative proceedings may demand a copy of the file from the authority” – barrister Aneta Fornalik

3. “The principle of persuasion when refusing to agree to a decision on development conditions” – barrister Aneta Fornalik

4. “What determines whether a substance or object constitutes waste?” – barrister Krzysztof Topolewski

5. “The inheritor may demand the return of a real estate in administrative proceedings” – barrister Aneta Fornalik

6. “How to count the time limit for waiving an appeal?” – barrister Aneta Fornalik

7. “The objective nature of administrative liability does not mean absolute liability” – attorney-at-law Jacek Krystek

8. “Abuse of the right to public information” – barrister Krzysztof Topolewski

9. “Completion of administrative proceedings and complaint about protraction” – barrister Aneta Fornalik

10. “Obligation to inform a party of a possible decision” – barrister Krzysztof Topolewski

11. “Effective objection against a decision before it is delivered” – barrister Aneta Fornalik

12. ‘”Occupation of a road lane associated with a public gathering does not require a permit” – barrister Aneta Fornalik

13. “Conclusion of a court settlement and financial correction in respect of granted funding” – barrister Krzysztof Topolewski

14. “Title to a vehicle and joint and several liability for the costs of its removal” – attorney-at-law Jacek Krystek

15. “Manner of formulating pleas in a complaint to the Supreme Administrative Court” – attorney-at-law Aleksandra Urbanowska-Bohun

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