Jacek Krystek

Jacek Krystek
Jacek Krystek

A high class specialist in the field of administrative law, spatial development, real estate management in particular belonging to the State Treasury and control in government administration. He gained practical professional experience working in government administration units. Focuses on providing comprehensive legal assistance in the field of administrative proceedings both on the part of commercial entities and public entities.

Enthusiast of volleyball, motorbike tourism and DIY.

Other professional activity
He worked for many years in government administration units, acting as a controller and enforcer, thus gaining valuable practical knowledge. Author of commentaries on judicial-administrative
case-law in SIP Legalis.


  • Law studies (University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań, Faculty of Law and Administration, 2007)
  • Attorney-at-law (OIRP Poznań, 2012)

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