Marta Łojek

Marta Łojek
Marta Łojek

In her daily practice, she mainly deals with civil and commercial law. She provides legal assistance to entrepreneurs from the private and public sectors, as well as to natural persons. She provides legal advice to entrepreneurs conducting business activity in both the service and production sectors, including ongoing support for commercial law companies. She has experience in comprehensively conducting civil and commercial cases, from the pre-litigation stage to execution.

On behalf of the Law Firm, she prepares and gives opinions on commercial contracts, advises during their implementation and participates in representing clients in disputes arising from them. She provides legal advice to clients in transactions regarding real estate trading and rental, including disputes between tenants and owners of shopping centers regarding changes to lease agreements in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic.

She successfully comprehensively solves legal problems arising on the basis of inheritance law. She supports clients in activities related to both the acquisition and division of inheritance, as well as dispositions in the event of death.

She is fluent in English in her daily work. Privately, a lover of detective stories, action movies and volleyball enthusiast, which she plays in her spare time.


  • Law studies (UAM, Faculty of Law and Administration, 2018)
  • Administration studies (UAM, Faculty of Law and Administration, 2020)
  • TOLES Legal Advanced Certificate (British Council, 2021)
  • Mediator certificate mediator (Mediation Centre at the Supreme Bar Council, 2021)
  • Attorney-at-law traineeship (ORA Poznań, 2021)
  • Postgraduate studies in Intellectual Property Law (UJ, 2023)

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